
[1] Cabrales, S., Bautista, R., & Benavides, J. (2017). “A Model to Assess the Impact of Employment Policy and Subsidized Domestic Fuel Prices on National Oil Companies”. Energy Economics ISSN: 0140-9883 v.68 fasc. p.566 – 578, 2017. DOI:

[2] Osso, M. C., Cabrales, S. & Rosso-Murillo, J. W.  (2017). “Methodological design to simulate the water balance of a dam: Tunja, Colombia case”. Revista Científica (ISSN 0124-2253), 1(29). DOI:

[3] Amorocho-Daza, H., Cabrales, S., Santos, R., & Saldarriaga, J. (2019). “A New Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Methodology for the Selection of New Water Supply Infrastructure”. Water (ISSN 2073-4441), 11(4), 805. DOI:

[4] Valencia, C., Cabrales, S., García, L., Ramírez, J., & Calderona, D. (2019). “Generalized additive model with embedded variable selection for bankruptcy prediction: Prediction versus interpretation”. Cogent Economics & Finance (ISSN 2332-2039). DOI:

[5] Díaz J., Cortés M., Hernández J., Clavijo Ó., Ardila C., & Cabrales S. (2019). “Index fund optimization using a hybrid model: genetic algorithm and mixed-integer nonlinear programming”. The Engineering Economist (ISSN 1547-2701). 1-12.

[6] Cabrales, S., Amaya, R., Muñoz, F., & Pérez, A. (2019). “Model for optimal sectioning of hydrocarbon transportation pipelines by minimization of the expected economic losses”. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries (ISSN 0950-4230). 62 (-), pp. 1-12.

[7] Cabrales S, Moncayo M., & Romero C. (2019). “Estimation of sociopolitical determinants in the privatization of oil companies”. Revista Espacios (ISSN 0798-1015). 40 (-), pp. 1-18.

[8] Cabrales, S., Solano, J., Valencia, C., & Bautista, R. (2020). “Pricing rainfall derivatives in the equatorial Pacific”. Agricultural Finance Review (ISSN 0002-1466).

[9] Medaglia, A., Huertas, J., Palacio, A., Botero, M., Carvajal, G., van Laake, T., Higuera, D., Cabrales, S., Sarmiento, O., & Guzman, L. (2020). “Level of Traffic Stress-based classification: A clustering approach for Bogotá, Colombia”. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (ISSN 1361-9209).

[10] Medaglia, A., Carvajal, G., Sarmiento, O., Cabrales, S., Rodriguez, D., Quistberg, D., & López, S. (2020). “Bicycle safety in Bogotá: A seven-year analysis of bicyclists’ collisions and fatalities”. Accident Analysis and Prevention (ISSN 0001-4575).

[11] Ramírez, A. F., Valencia, C. F., Cabrales, S., & Ramírez, C. G. (2021). Simulation of photo-voltaic power generation using copula autoregressive models for solar irradiance and air temperature time series. Renewable Energy.

[12] Higuera-Mendieta, D., Uriza, P., Cabrales, S., Medaglia, A., Guzmán, L., Sarmiento, O. (2021). Is the built-environment at origin, on route, and at destination associated with bicycle commuting? A gender-informed approach. Journal of Transport Geography.

13] Cabrales, S., Bautista, R., Madiedo, I., & Galindo, M. “A Methodology for Temperature Option Pricing in the Equatorial Regions”. Submitted: The Engineering Economist (ISSN 1547-2701).

[14] Rodriguez, A. X., Aristizábal, J., Cabrales, S., Gómez, J. M., & Medaglia, A. L. (2022). Optimal waterflooding management using an embedded predictive analytical model. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 208, 109419.

[15] Cabrales, S., Valencia, C., Ramírez-Ruiz, C., Ramírez, A., Herrera, J., & Cadena, A. (2022). Stochastic cost-benefit analysis to assess new infrastructure to improve the reliability of the natural gas supply. Energy, 123421.

[16] Marentes, L., Cabrales, S., Wolf, T., Nagurney, A. & Donoso, Y. (2022). A bandwidth auction mechanism to enable affordable internet access. NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking volume 22, pages283–316.