
  • 2022 PROMIGAS. Impact of decarbonization on economic growth and costs of carbon neutrality in electricity generation.
  • 2022 GASNOVA. LPG supply price stabilization mechanisms in Colombia.
  • 2021 Willis Towers Watson (WTW) and Centro Regional de Finanzas Sostenibles (CFS). Researcher in the study of “Climate Transition Risk”. Financed by Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
  • 2021 PETROMIL. Consultant in the “Port connection strategy for Petromil”.
  • 2020 FEDESARROLLO. Researcher in “Towards a single market for natural gas in Colombia”.
  • 2020 INVERCOLSA. Researcher in the study of “Analysis of the impact of the natural gas transportation tariff with a national stamp”.
  • 2019 Transportadora de Gas Internacional – TGI S.A. Consultant in the “Consulting to establish criteria and methodologies applicable to infrastructure planning to provide reliability and supply to the National Transportation System (SNT)”.
  • 2019 FEDESARROLLO. Researcher in the study of “Cost-benefit analysis of the services of the Puerto Bahía terminal to Reficar for its connection through pipelines.”
  • 2018 NATURGAS. Consultant in the project “Efficient Administration, Operation and Maintenance Costs (AOM)” of Natural Gas Distribution and Marketing Activities.
  • 02/2015 – 06/2015 INDUMIL. Consultant and developing in the project “Transfer Feasibility Study and Integration Process from Fagecor to Fasab – Indumil”.
  • 09/2014 – 01/2015 CENIT Transporte y Logística de Hidrocarburos S.A.S. Consultant in the project “Analysis and evaluation of alternatives for the operation of transport systems, Mansilla – Puente Aranda and Puente Aranda – El Dorado, based on the identification of risks and logistic impacts of the operation”
  • 06/2014 – 12/2014 Transportadora de Gas Internacional – TGI S.A. Consultant in the project “Model for the analysis of system operation strategies of natural gas to TGI”
  • 06/2012 – 12/2012 EQUION Energy Limited. Junior consultant and developing in the project “Probabilistic Forecast Tool Production”.
  • 09/2011 Transportadora de Gas Internacional – TGI S.A. Junior consultant in the Project “Concept About the Methodology Used by the CREG for the Valuation of Investments in Pipelines by comparison”
  • 06/2007 – 12/2007. ECOPETROL S.A. Junior consultant in the project “Decision Analysis Methodology to Evaluate the business alternatives for the Pozos Colorados Terminal of ECOPETROL”
  • 12/2006 – 01/2007. ECOPETROL S.A. Junior consultant in the project “Decision Analysis Methodology to Determine the Best Alternative to Transport Heavy Oil from Castilla Field”
  • 04/2006 – 10/2006. Colpatria. Junior consultant in the project “Prediction of Success of the ATM Machines of Colpatria”.
  • 10/2005 – 02/2006. ECOPETROL S.A. Junior Consultant in the project “Decision Analysis Methodology to Determine the Best Strategy to Operate a Multi-Product Pipeline System In ECOPETROL S.A.” taking into account new components of the project developed in 2003.
  • 08/2003 – 02/2006, 02/2008 – 05/2008. BP Exploration Company. Junior Consultant in the Decision Analysis training/consulting program aimed at structuring and solving decision-making problems related to the selection of drilling technologies, exploration strategies, and probabilistic models to estimate reserves and wellwork costs, using the general decision analysis approach and the most typical tools and models of this discipline.
  • 12/2004 – 04/2005. Corona Foundation. Consultant in the project “Concejo Cómo Vamos” to evaluate the performance of the members of the local government in Bogotá.